Cinemas in Headingley

For nearly a hundred years, Headingley enjoyed three cinemas. They all opened within four years, the Headingley Picture House in 1912 and the Hyde Park Picture House in 1914, followed by The Lounge in 1916 - they were among the first flush of cinemas opening throughout Leeds. All three coped with challenges over the years, the Great War, the arrival of the talkies, a second World War, the competition from television. Eventually, one was closed, but one continues to flourish, and one is even expanding. As befits Leeds’ number one suburb, Headingley now has the only suburban cinemas in the city. Read their histories here, prepared by Eveleigh Bradford. For current details, visit the Film page.
Photographs provided by Eveleigh Bradford (EB), Jerry Hardman Jones (JHJ), Leeds Library & Information Service (LLIS), West Yorkshire Archive Service (WYAS) and Richard Tyler (RT).