Salvo's— Headingley Leeds


Photo: Gip and John Dammone, Salvo's Restaurant

Photo: Gip and John Dammone, Salvo's Restaurant

Photo: Gip and John Dammone, Salvo's Restaurant

"This is the one" asserted my father Salvo as he brought our creaking Vauxhall Viva, with myself and my brother Gip craning our necks out the window, to a halt in front of the Brunch Grill. We had spent the last 2 years since returning from Italy scouring the streets of Leeds looking to find a restaurant in an area that would have the right atmosphere and feel for us to recreate our little bit of Italy in a Leeds neighbourhood. We had viewed countless premises to no avail till stumbling upon this little restaurant at the end of St Anne's Parade. As we pulled up outside the radio was blaring out Thin Lizzie's "The boys are back in town". How very apt. We exchanged contracts very quickly and, as they say, the rest is history, Salvo's restaurant was born.

Fast forward 40 years and the area has lost none of its vibrancy and atmosphere that brought us to settle our family business here. The songs may have changed, the hair a bit thinner on top, but the sentiment remains the same; Headingley is the place to live in Leeds.