Virago Women's Workshop— Headingley Leeds

Virago Women's Workshop

Virago is a volunteer run Community Interest Company (CIC) formed by a group of Leeds women in 2021 to provide space for women to gather, to drop in for a coffee and a rant, to learn a new skill, to attend or run their own events and to enjoy the company and support of a female only space. Our vision is that women only spaces are valued and preserved, empowering women to express themselves freely. Through offering a range of events, creative activities, a social hub and feminist library, we aim to help women and girls of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs to develop a sense of their own agency and self-worth.

When looking for a venue to set up in, we looked at several places around Leeds, but when we saw that The Overseers’ Office was available we jumped at the opportunity. With its central Headingley position it is perfect for women to access on public transport from all over Leeds and beyond and is well served by cafes, bars and local amenities. The building itself is a lovely space. The main workshop area has all its original features (the fireplace tiles clinched the deal), so much light, high ceilings and a smaller room is ideal for our feminist library.

We are often asked about our name. Obviously there’s the strong Amazonian female warrior Virago, which comes with the flipside insult of aggressive unladylike harridan. But it was the connection with being situated opposite the Headingley Community Hub and Library that suggested the name to Emma, one of our founder members. As a young teen feminist in the 80s she had spent many hours reading any Virago Press books that the library stocked, so on returning here, with a library to house, the name just fit.

We run many events, socials, and workshops bookable by any woman on Eventbrite and can be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin. We charge for some workshops but also run some for free or PAYE and offer many events at a discounted rate to Members. At present we are entirely funded by our Membership and Supporters schemes.

Virago actively seeks to collaborate with like-minded organisations to strengthen feminist networks and galvanise women’s voices.

We welcome women calling in for a cuppa and to say hi, or to browse through the library whenever we are open.

Emma Dolan
Virago Women’s Workshop
8 North Lane, Leeds LS6 3HE